Handfree push door adapter

By Jeremy Pearce

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Handfree push door adapter

By Jeremy Pearce

at 2024-05-06
This works the same as for the pull adapter using the same inserts for different handle types. The main bracket is made from pla, petg etc. The adapter inserts are made from semi-flexible TPU, I use Ninja Cheetah. The inserts are designed to give a good grip as possible on the handle. The design requires M5 standard allen bolts and screws about 20 mm length. The bolt heads are recessed and the nuts captive. This makes installation quick and I hope reasonably tidy. If necessary it would be easy to make other adapters. They have been under test at work and the design is holding up fine. It helps to print in the brightest colours you can find so it is difficult to miss, and maybe look a little bright.

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