Hand wood planer that is designed to accept a 1-3/8" blade or smaller. Angle of plane is 40 degrees to allow for medium to fine cuts. The blade lock accepts a M6 bolt to hold the blade in place.
This piece is designed using OpenSCAD, an open source technolody. The total print takes about 3 hours, depending on the user print speed. A typical hand planer costs anywhere from $30 to $100 depending on the blade type. This planer costs, after purchasing the blade for $16.50 (price for single blade) and M6 bolt for $0.75, about $18.50. This is a significant savings when considering the normal price.
The print is done with PLA at 210 C. The infill changes from the three different prints, but averaging around 40%.
Source for replacement blades: https://www.amazon.com/Block-Plane-Blade-Wide-Slot-1-3/dp/B003371JOS