Halloween Happy Ghost Pin Walker.

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Halloween Happy Ghost Pin Walker.

Published at 2024-05-09


207 objects 727 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago My basement in Oklahoma, US


https://youtu.be/FqauJOY0Vzc With Halloween only a few weeks away, and one of our grandsons about to spend another Saturday night at our home (he's so exited about Halloween that when here, he wears one of the numerous Halloween costumes his grandmother, a.k.a. my wife, bought for him), I designed this "Halloween Happy Ghost Pin Walker", which is based on my previous pin walker platform, to compliment his ghost costume. I designed both a dual and single extrusion happy ghost, and Cura 4.2 indicated the dual extrusion ghost would require about 3 hours to 3D print so it, and the remaining parts, became a Friday night "overnight print". A few minutes of cleanup, soldering and assembly Saturday morning, and "Halloween Happy Ghost Pin Walker" was ready for our grandsons arrival. As usual, I probably forgot a file or two or who knows what else, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask as I do make plenty of mistakes. Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced using Cura 4.2, and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and an Ultimaker 3 Extended. One final note, I receive no compensation in any form for the design, parts and/or materials used in this model.


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Peter Obermeier
Peter Obermeier
over 5 years
PS: One STL is not needed, the base.stl . Is this correct? The Base__Ghost.stl is the one in black with the shoes, which should be used instead of the base.stl
Peter Obermeier
Peter Obermeier
over 5 years
Hi Greg, have started to print your Happy Walker and one stl is missing or I have overlooked it. It is the connection of the lower mechanism to the upper one, left and right. How do I get it ? Thank you in advance Peter

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