This looks an awsome little design. The one in the video seems slightly larger for some reason. Was it printed at a different size. Also, what motor was used on this unit. I am very interested in making one for our indoor club that flies at an indoor soccer field.
almost 6 years
Je ne me souviens plus trop du comportement des pales pleines, apparemment en voyant le video les ajourées marchaient bien.
Il me semble que les pleines étaient plus fines et donnaient plus de rotation. En tout cas pour l'indoor ça risque d'être compliqué quelles ques soient les pales.
Fabrice Lepercq
almost 6 years
salut turbi
quelle différences entre les pâles à entoiler et les pâles pleines?
L'une pour l'indoor et l'autre pour les vols en exterieur?
Merci pour ta réponse
almost 7 years
Have few questions; Any info on the rudder/elevator and the power system including the pre-rotor? I am going to try printing this soon. Thanks
about 8 years
Hi Turbi,
Thank you for the great design!
I need to figure out the angle of the whole rotor head to tilt backward and
also the CG, my first autogyro using balsa crashed on its first try caused
my wrong CG. I can experiment with it but if you have the data ready , can
you please share with me please?
about 8 years
Thanks for your message.
I just upload the hub and the last blades I used bettre than the first version.
about 8 years
Hi, Love this design. I'm trying to print but I found missing parts? the green color control horn adapter STL not shown . can you please upload it? can you please let me know how many angle the rotor head need to tilt backward?