Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber

By CaseStudyno8

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Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber

By CaseStudyno8

at 2023-10-12
The lightsaber of the Grand Inquisitor from the first season of Star Wars: Rebels! One side of the assembly is able to swing over to the other side just like in the show! Sadly, no rotating blades of death though. Be sure to print: 2 Emitter Shrouds 2 Lower Emitters 2 Middle Emitters 2 Upper Emitters 2 Emitter Guard A's 2 Emitter Guard B's 2 Outer Rotation Chambers 2 Inner Rotation Chambers 2 Small Red Buttons 2 Large Red Buttons All of the STLs are in the orientation I printed them. Personally, I printed the Outer Ring Right and Left, Inner ring right and left, Outer Rotation Chamber and Middle Grip with support generated in Cura. Feel free to play around with those tricky parts and let me know if you find any better orientation. If you want to swing the outer ring to the other side I would recommend reinforcing the outer rings' joints with glue. There are some tricky parts to this hilt and there are a lot of pieces but the result is super cool!
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