Hmm. I think the normals in those areas need to be reversed. I'll have to check the files and re-upload them later.
almost 9 years
I have tried printing both the Melee Goblin and Ranged Goblin. While the prints comes out amazing, for the most part, on both there is a problem. In each instance the weapons have a gap in the continuity of their structure. For instance, when I open your Ranged Goblin on Meshmixer or Cura, both programs recognize that the ranged goblin's hand (the one holding the bow, is empty of a continuation of the bow stave and that a goodly portion of the bow stave is missing. The same is true for the melee goblin. Both programs show a missing portion of the mace shaft after exiting the goblin's grip.
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You can find the majority of my free Tabletop gaming minis on these sites:
Shapeways - ht...