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Glow Writer

By ril3y

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Glow Writer

By ril3y

at 2024-05-03
My entry to the Formlabs 3d contest!  Err FAILUREhttp://www.instructables.com/id/Laser-Glow-Writer-Introduction/#step0UPDATE: Totally lost.. rigged.. :)Demo Videos are available here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSDScKijQXND4C3ORADRqBtwyg3JRC-ulThe Glow Writer is a CNC single point projector that uses a near ultra violet laser to excite photons on luminescent material. Basically, it's a laser that shoots at glow-in-the-dark vinyl and makes it glow where it hits. At it's heart, the Laser Glow Writer is a 2-axis CNC machine, which means the laser can draw very detailed and intricate designs, that you can create on your computer or mobile device, from across the room. Using a combination of 3D-printable and laser-cut parts, as well as some off the shelf hardware you can make this pretty cool little machine fairly easily, and it works extremely well with a safe, low-power laser diode. All parts are sourced and are available online. I originally designed this machine for Halloween (and for the Formlabs contest) to write spooky messages on the wall all night long, but there are many other cool things that it can do!  The first version that I built was big and not very accurate. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I redesigned the whole machine to be smaller and cheaper to build. Above all else, it had to be much more accurate! A lot of care has gone into engineering a really nice project, right down to the last minutes of the FormLabs contest! The only thing that's missing is a focus mechanism that my filament printer is not precise enough to create. So what follows is how to build and drive the Laser Glow Writer!Instructions:You will need all of the STL's printed.  I have uploaded the skp file as well for all references.  The laser cut files come in 2 flavors, a plain dxf and the corel draw version ready to be cut on Epilog laser cutters.  The plexiglass is 1/4" plexi  btw.



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