Here are a couple-three designs I put together for a small making event where I showed off my UM2 to some kids and their parents. This project is more of a mash-up than my own design and was inspidered by the gears that I found at the following website that can be used to make gears that fit into Lego technics. I have a ton of lego technics and I really liked the idea that the motivated students to integrate their gear with their own legos. The design is fairly customizable. I recommend checking out my blog post if you want to see how I made the designs:, all of the OpenScad and stl files can be found here on my gitlab account: fun.- Dirk
My wife got me an Ultimaker2 for fathers day 2014 (best wife ever) and have been having fun doing projects, especially with my kids.
Here are a few things that I have designed.
I also maintain a blog about projects I make with my family: