Game grid

By BoneGnawler

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Game grid

By BoneGnawler

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Game grid

By BoneGnawler

at 2024-05-08
The convex side can be used for traditional Chess, Othello and such by placing four 4x4 blocks next to each other on a high friction surface. The hollow side for experimental dungeon and exploration games can be used to place custom printed tiles for water, ground, mountains, castles or anything you create. Just make the bottom 20x20 mm with 2 mm wide and high diagonal edges to slide in place.


The design is very simple and easy to understand but is designed to overcome the challenges of large plates in FFF printing. It uses at most diagonal overhang and has separate plates at the bottom layers that reduce the initial effects of warping by letting them rest on their own before being merged together. The grid on the hollow side gives strength against bending, so you can print it with 100% fill while still saving material. The two sides fit together so that stacking a pile of them is easy for transportation. Gave some good prints on my Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus MarkII using Prima Selected Silver PLA (just a gray color), 210C nozzle, 50C bed and Prima adhesive glue. A higher bed temperature than 50C will easily cause it to warp. Just be patient and slide in the spatula to get it up without bending it. Prima's white PLA had however too many warping issues from being sticky elastic and didn't work for such a large flat object after trying many temperatures. It's a pity because white PLA otherwise gives a nice shine with less holes. Maybe I'll just use it for game pieces instead. It would be interesting to know about more non-warping materials that worked with this board, so let me know if you tried it. Also any game pieces and rulebooks that can be used to play something.


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