Full-size Teleprompter (10-13" screen size)

By toms3dp

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295x295mm 3mm polystyrene sheet (acrylic works, too) Roughly 400x400mm piece of black cloth A handful of M4x18mm screws and washers (or equivalent imperial size) A handful of M4 threaded inserts (or equivalent imperial size) One 1/4"-20 screw for the camera quick release (coinslot preferred) 2x 300mm 15mm dia LWS rods (carbon fiber or aluminum) http://go.toms3d.org/15mmRods Base plate (between Manfrotto plate and rod clamps) http://go.toms3d.org/rodBase Camera quick release (arca swiss) http://go.toms3d.org/ArcaSet Teleprompter quick release (Manfrotto) http://go.toms3d.org/ManeBase Print 7-8 clamps, other parts just 1x. The LCD_EL parts are only required if you use a salvaged LCD + breakout board. Use black filament at least for the "mirror" piece. Insert threaded inserts into the appropriate spots.


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