You have to print the files:
accelerator_pump.stl 4x
freeze_plug.stl 4x
fuel_bowl_caps.stl 4x
throttle_linkage.stl 2x
valve_cover.stl 2x
V-Belt.stl 2x
velocity_stacks.stl 8x
weber_carb_body.stl 4x
In most cases you can use the standard resolution of 0.1mm.
Some parts needed a little higher resolution of maybe 0.06mm.
these are:
The spark wires should be printed upsidedown (terminals which are going to the rotorcap touching the buildplate). Here you have to mess around a little with your support structure settings (overhang angle 30 degrees?!?).
Use the position as provided in .stl file for the headers. Also have a closer look to the support settings.
The part throttle_linkage.stl should also printed upsidedown!
Assembly Information
Use the rendered images for assembling the engine!!!
the part crankshaft_end.stl is positioned on the lower timing cover (the crankshaft part sticking out of the front of engine). The vibration damper is mouted on this part.
the part accelerator_pump.stl will be glued to the part weber_carb_body.stl. You´ll find the flange on the carb body!
The position of part fuel_bowl_caps.stl is between the intake stacks of part weber_carb_body.stl.
The rest should be clear. If you have questions about assembly, please Email!!