I got a cool USB3.0 flash drive as a prize from somewhere, but the casing was ugly and bulky so it got tossed into a drawer. I dug it out recently, realized I could just take the drive itself out of the casing and print a better one, and here we are today!
I used FreeCad 0.17 to make it and learned about the shape binder tool in the process.
I included the model of the flash drive I made. I used a tolerance of 10 thou for everything and it worked perfectly. Some hot glue will eliminate the slight wiggle.
Printed with UltiMachine Yellow Translucent PLA, 0.1 mm layer height. My bed adhesion isn't the best in general, but it fit perfectly even with slightly warped corners. Flip the top clamshell half before printing, unless you're really confident in your printer's bed adhesion and bridging ;)
I like that you use Freecad! That's the only cad I use. The model is good when you look into the source files, well structured and well made. Keep sharing your models! Thanks!