Filament Spool Winding Handle

By moXDesign

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Filament Spool Winding Handle

By moXDesign

at 2024-05-13
This winding handle can be fitted to the side of an empty filament spool which can then be used to hold filament samples. The handle makes it easier to spin the spool and wind the filament into place. + Drill a 10mm hole in the filament spool making sure that the handle, when fitted, will be inside the diameter of the spool. You may need to make the hole slightly larger to fit the spindle through - wiggle the drill a bit! + Superglue both halves of the spindle together. + Insert the spindle through the hole and add a couple of spots of superglue to the inside of the spindle cap to fix it to the filament spool. + Snap the handle into position. + Use your spool holder on your printer to wind filament onto the spool. Printing the spindle in two halves, with the joining surface flat on the bed, will ensure the layers of the print will be orientated to give a stronger spindle when it is squeezed to attach the handle. I have included the full version of the spindle should you wish to avoid gluing the halves together. Update:- I have increased the size of the head of the spindle to give a greater surface area for gluing it to the filament spool.

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