This is a redesign of [Koolman's original part]( The original design had a few issues that caused the buildplate to foul the mount. The fit inside the panel was also very tight. Koolman was able to fix these with some sanding, but I decided to redesign it because it was quick enough for me to do.
I made the following changes:
* Made the countersink for the screws larger, so the heads were flush with the mount.
* Loosened the hole clearance for the screws. (6mm to 6.4mm diameter)
* Reduced the thickness of the back from 5mm to 4mm.
* Made the parts that are inserted into the panel smaller so the fit wasn't so tight. (now a 0.25mm clearance according to the Ultimaker STEP file for the back panel)
Used UM Tough PLA in white at 0.1mm layer height. No supports.