Fertilization of the ovum and maturation


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Fertilization of the ovum and maturation


at 2024-05-12
This is part of the series of 30 exercises developed during the E3D+VET program. The aim of this Erasmus+ program is the immersion in 3D printing of VET centres (website: ). Ovum spherical: about 10 cm in diameter The ovum should be fixable on a plate. Sperm (picture 1 and 2): Head: ovate, 0.3 cm long Flagellum: 3 cm long, about max. 1 mm in diameter The sperm should lie on the ovum to fix the flagella and make it more stable. It should be about 15 sperms distributed on the ovum. The head of one single sperm should be dived half in the ovum. Surface of the ovum: irregular Another idea / possibility is to have a model of the ovum and several different models of sperms with a plug socket to the ovum.
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E3D+VET an Erasmus + European Union program project The main objective of this project is to train teachers non-computer design skilled in VET centres with the aim of using 3D printing across almost of all the subjects. The use of this technology...


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