Fanduct for active cooling for Farikator Mini aka Tinyboy. It holds a powerful 50x50x15 12V radial Fan.
Easy to assamble. It can be printed on the Fabrikator. You might have to turn off the skirt option in order to fit on the platform.
Now your Frabrikator prints top quality, overhangs, bridges and alot more.
If you install my custom firmware the Fabrikator turns the fan on and of as specified in your slicing software (M106/ M107). Wire the fan to the heatbed terminal.
Download suitable Firmware here at thing files.
Use firmware on your own risk. I did my best, but you´ll never know what bugs I missed :-)
The first is optimized for the Smart Controller by RepRapDiscount. It also does the fancommand to the Heatbed terminal on the MKS Base 1.3 board. So connect your fan here. Else it won´t work.
You´ll find a huge article on the Fabricator mini with tips and tricks here