Extruder UM2 Version 2

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Extruder UM2 Version 2

Published at 2024-05-03

By Geeks



14 objects 26 Followers
Joined over 11 years ago alexandre.labure@gmail.com


Hello, I test a few weeks (which is a few tens of printing hours) a new version of my extruder. I took two ideas that Ian thank once more. Update compared to the previous version. - The spring system is maintained. - We need to add some 10x3mm M3 screws. - The case can now be closed without being mounted on the machine. - A pulley system allows the wire guide and the rectified. - It is not necessary to use the pulley which is opposite to the extruder. Loading of the coil to the extruder. - A stiffener for a long resort was added. - The arm plate that the yarn undergoes a slight update. - A doc in French (basic) was translated into English to help installation. Edit :Hello there, After hundreds of hours of 6 months, the mobile arm that pushes the filament against the knurled ring broken. It does not break but a net of a delamination of the material due to repeated stresses and efforts powerful spring.So I made a version 2 of the piece in question. It does not fully replace the first piece that fully given satisfaction. However it will come complemented existing solutions on the extruder. --Bonsoir,J'ai tester quelques semaine (ce qui représente quelques dizaines d'heures d'impression) une nouvelle version de mon extrudeuse.J'ai repris deux idées à Ian que je remercie une fois de plus.Mise à jour par rapport à la précédente version.- Le système de ressort est conservé.- Il faut ajouter quelques vis 10x3mm M3.- Le boitier peut maintenant être fermé sans être monté sur la machine.- Un système de poulie permet de guider le fil et de le redressé.- Il n'est plus nécessaire d'utiliser la poulie qui est à l'opposé de l'extrudeuse. Chargement de la bobine vers l'extrudeuse.- Un raidisseur pour un resort long à été ajouté.- Le bras qui plaque le fil à subit une légère mise à jour.- Une doc en Français (de base) a été traduite en Anglais pour aider le montage.Bonjour,Edit:Après des centaines d'heures sur 6 mois, le bras mobile qui pousse le filament contre la bague moleté à cassé. Il ne s'agit pas d'une cassure net mais d'un délaminage de la matière due aux contraintes répétés et aux efforts puissants du ressort.J'ai donc fait une Version 2 de la pièce en question. Elle ne remplace pas totalement la première pièce qui à entièrement donnée satisfaction. Cependant elle viendra complémenté les solutions existantes sur cette extrudeuse.


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over 10 years
There's no worry. Believe me, if I did not have all these constraints tax, it would have been with palisir I would have you printed this piece. By cons, so, this will show you what I did and to have as a neighbor back with the lab. Do not hesitate to talk back, put a picture and tell the dificulties encountered.
over 10 years
It's all good! I do have a lab nearby that can help out. I believe I will be asking for their assistance in printing a new version. Thank you for all of the tips!
over 10 years
In effect, the wire is guided artfully throughout the supply chain. Do you have a friend who can print for you? Do you have a fablab nearby that could do the same? I say this because it will stay cheaper (no shipping) and it would be more faster to help you out. Being in Europe, driven back taxes and fees, I am not at all competitive. Worse even transport you stay there or expensive myself I do not have to much. I'm sorry to come to this conclusion but I am forced to admit that the Europe we kill!
over 10 years
I see, slow it down... That may be prohibitively long though for large prints - would you agree? I like this design as it has the most adjustments possible and it looks like it somewhat rectifies the direction of the filament.
over 10 years
hello, Sorry for being late to respond. Too much activity ... To help me, having had the problem too (on the very long term), I mount the original extruder and I reduced the speed to 10 mm / s. Very very slow speed. This allowed work. So I remade the room and able to resume my work. Tell me if you could help you out.
over 10 years
Hello, Would you be willing to print one and ship it to me? Mine is broken and I don't have any other way to make this. Thanks
over 10 years
Hello there, I updated 2 files ready for the extruder. This is the mobile arm that pushes against the ball bearing pulley knurled. -- Bonjour, J'ai mis à jour 2 fichiers prêt à l'emploi pour l'extrudeuse. Il s'agit du bras mobile qui pousse le roulement à bille contre la poulie moleté.
almost 11 years
En général, je met les paramètres suivants: Layer height : 0.1 Shell thickness : 0.8 Bottom/Top thickness : 0.6 Film Density : 20 Print speed : 50 (sauf si vous avez des problèmes d'extrusions, vous pouvez descendre à 20 sur ce paramètre). Support type : none Plateform adhesion type : none Les gcodes sont fourni et permettent une impression direct pour ceux qui veulent éviter de paramétrer.
almost 11 years
Bonjour trés bonne idée.Concernant le remplissage en pourcentage est autres paramètres d'impressions layers-shell thickness-fill botom/top thickness etc. Cordialement

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