Extruder driver TPU upgrade for Flsun 20x20

By ZigaM

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Extruder driver TPU upgrade for Flsun 20x20

By ZigaM

at 2024-05-02
I designed this plastic insert part for my Flsun-20x20-metal 3d printer, to be also able to print TPU with it. The original extruder driver of this printer was not designed for soft filaments. It has a huge gap between the extruder gear and the bowden tube coupler. The insert part that I designed, simply extends the hole from the coupler downwards very close to the gear and thus supports the soft filament, so it can not bend away. After printing the part, you should check the extension hole in the part and carefully drill it with a 2mm drill bit to make it smoother if necessary. In the photo you can also see a TestCube successfully printed after the modification. The perimeters were printed with 15mm/s and infill with 22mm/s. The filament hardness was Shore TPU89A. 2023.01.15. I've added an STL file of a plug that fits under a bowden coupler of the heat sink of a V5 hotend. There is a 7mm gap where the filament can bend. There are two similar designs, one with a 2mm hole and another with a 2.6mm hole. The idea is, to take the smaller one and then drill it with a 2mm drill bit. ** Tips and support kindly accepted here: https://paypal.me/ZigaM3 Or with LBRY (LBC) credits, through my Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@ZigaMDIY:9 I also design on redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/reintegration/shop And I promote my RB designs on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/reIntegration42
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