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EU Borders


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EU Borders


This is part of the series of 30 exercises developed during the E3D+VET program. The aim of this Erasmus+ program is the immersion in 3D printing of VET centres (website: ). The model is composed of 12 independent pieces, each one representing a 3D printed rough model of the borders (only borders) of an EU country. All the pieces will fit together as a puzzle of central Europe. In particular, here is the list of the countries: 1)Italy 2)Spain 3)France 4)Germany 5)Portugal 6)Austria 7)Hungary 8)Slovakia 9)Czech. Rep. 10)Poland 11)Belgium 12)Netherland Only the borders should be 3D printed, with a thickness of 3 millimetres and height of about 5 mm, in order to have structures robust enough. The size scale (not the dimension) of all countries must be the same in order to fit all countries together as in a puzzle of central Europe. The map was designed to be made in large dimensions. The support on which the pieces will be attached will be 500x700 mm large. The support can be made from a 3mm recycled wood panel. This will support the map and in turn will allow a good fixing to the wall.
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