Electronic Gadget Hanger

By 1-prop-head

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Electronic Gadget Hanger

By 1-prop-head

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Electronic Gadget Hanger

By 1-prop-head

at 2024-05-02
I desired a better way to hang electronics on my network/telephony board so I could keep it a bit more tidy. This thing makes a custom hanger for each small device. What it does is move the screws to hang the gadget above the device rather than trying to locate screws that fit into the slotted holes on the back of the electronic gadget. Use the provided OpenSCAD source and change some values in the source to adapt this to your particular need. The values define the location of the screw slots on the back of the electronic gadget you wish to hang All values are in millimeters Set W = to this width between the screw holes. Set H = to this height from the screw hole to the top of the enclosure Measure the diameter of the mount slot hole in the back of the device Set D1 to this smaller diameter Measure the diameter of the mount hole that is for the screw head Set D2 to this larger diameter This completes the necessary customization changes necessary to create your hanger Generate the STL file and save. Several other adjustments can be made in the source to further customize the resulting hanger but are not necessary to make your custom hanger.


The mount posts that are generated need to be glued into the small holes at the lower corners of the gadget hanger. The glue must be appropriate for the materiel used. I prefer ABS so I use a solvent cement. The PNG photo shows the unit with the posts in place. When printed the posts are located inside the frame up side down.


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