The lovely and talented Mrs. Zheng3's passion is gardening, and, vinelike, her hobby-but-so-much-more extends tendrils throughout our homestead every spring. Ere long the house and yard will be overrun and four months hence we will smother under bushels of heirloom tomatoes.Yesterday the garage was infiltrated by a new storage unit, soon to be stocked with chrysanthemum powder, mushroom compost, and myriad other eye-of-newtish polypropylene sacks with contents beyond my ken.Alas! The shelving arrived unshod, and past experience tells me that corner of the garage will most certainly flood with the first significant rain of the season, so to the printer we go to keep the unit's legs rust-free.This footing is designed for an Edsal Storage Rack, but will likely fit others with some finagling of scale.These racks are rated for two tons, so I recommend printing these footings at high infill.