UPDATE: After being Featuerd on Hackaday (http://hackaday.com/2016/10/03/diy-nozzle-socks-for-your-3d-printer/) I decided to finish the tweaks i've been wanting to do, and remove the horrid text on the first layer. Please only use "Rev 2" models!!! Also included is now Rhino 4 and 5 native files, as well as STEP files.
This printable mold is for the original e3d Volcano block, and will not fit the new thermistor cartridge style block.
Print this and cast some high temperature silicone, to get your very own e3d volcano sleeve! This product is not an offical E3D product, and is the only existing version to my knowledge, at least that isn't garbage. Please excercise caution in all steps of this process, always read your msds for chemicals you aren't familiar with, and always check safe operating temp ranges for anything you install on your printer.
1. Print with supports, or clean with knife after, to preserve the retention flap for the sleeve
2. apply mold release. I used clear matte acrylic spray, which worked great. 2 thin coats as per manufacturer's instruction.
3. Apply properly mixed silicone to male mold half, ensuring to force the silicone into the thin crevices and evenly coat the surface of the part features. repeat for female mold half, and leave excess in the bottom. Avoid bubbles in all steps, or degass mechanically.
4. slowly push the mold halves together, allowing excess to purge out of the overflow channels. Ensure mold halve mating keys are fully seated before clamping mold together firmly, for duration of cure.
5. Upon complete cure, slowly remove the mold halves and separate sleeve from male mold half.
6. Trim flashing from sleeve, and carefully clear nozzle orifice with a sharp knife