E3d V6 hot end mount

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E3d V6 hot end mount

Published at 2024-05-02

By Rai



2 objects 3 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago


This is one integrated mount for E3D V6 hot end for ultimaker original. Designed to be used with ultimaker heater cartridge but with e3d heater block.  You can use even a thermistor or thermocouple (it have holes for thermocouple transmiter)   For use the thermocouple you have to take out the thermocouple from its original encaspulate (metal) and use it without it. (maybe you have to take out also the ceramic protection inside it) It's really easy to do.   With this mount you just need:  -Metal parts from e3d v6 bowden  -100k ntc thermistor with cables (if you don't want to unmount your thermocouple)   -30mm fan  -2x 40mm fans (optional if you want symmetrical cooling)  Even it's designed to be in same place than original hot end you must readjust the XY endstops or change the trigger in the XY blocks (alan89 blocks are perfect for this)  Tested with Reptar XY blocks and the ones designed by alan89 (I use this ones). Not tested with original ones.      Double fanduct for 40mm fans. The fans are 4mm high to avoid clips for heated bed.  This is the first version, still testing it.[EDIT] Updated file for right fan, the one in E3dV6 was ok but the "right fan" file was an older version. Sorry.


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over 8 years
"Solidworks file on youmagine" ... and where?
over 8 years
Hi @Rai, I've printed your holder and changed the axis and everything on my printer to make it work. Unfortunately I have two problems where an answer from you (or someone else) would help me a lot: 1.) The left fan started to melt to the heatblock as it's a little closer than the right one, is this due to a bad heatblock I got or is there something I can do? Also, both fans seem a little high (like 2mm) and seem to cool mostly the heatblock, not the part. 2) You've updated most files here in April 2016 while the ones you uploaded on another Platform (thingiverse) haven't been updated. What was the update? Thanks a lot!
over 8 years
You currently have this design under a CC BY-SA license. That license allows others to use the design commercially. This means the Chinese company making them out of Al and selling them is entirely in the right to do so. If you are genuinely not happy about people profiting from your designs you should consider changing the license to something non-commercial. There are non-commercial versions of the CC license, such as the CC BY-NC-SA: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ This is the same license Ultimaker uses for their machine designs: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-original
over 8 years
Hi! I took out the cad files since someone use to clone it, sell it in chinese store made in aluminium and made business with my free job. So i won't upload cad files any more. Sorry.
over 8 years
Are the CAD files still available? It says on the Thingiverse page that they are available here, but I can't find them. I'd like to remix this one for the ultimaker 2 (and clones thereof), where the xy rods are reversified. This works as is, but since they changed which axis rods are on top and bottom, the extruder mount sits 90 degrees off of it's intended angle, and the fans get in the way towards the back of the machine.
Gary Davis
Gary Davis
about 9 years
Why did you rotate the fans from the original design? It means having to adjust the build area, which is a pain.
over 9 years
If you're using E3D 30mm and 40mm fans, 2.5mm x 18mm plastite screws are working fine to fix them on the 3D printed pieces.
Richard M
Richard M
over 9 years
When I fitted an e3d to an ultimaker I bought and fitted a cheap DC-DC converter for the fans. eg £0.99 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171814039953?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
over 9 years
What about the electronic part? How do you mount the new extruder and 3 fans instead of one on an Ultimaker card? I bought 12V fans, is that ok? The regular Ultimaker extruder fan works with 19V.
over 9 years
<p>Hi Richard! Thanks for the report. I don't take it as a complain and i know all you appreciate the work behind this model. also i'm not a profesional designer. Since i finished it i know it should be improved and after some time testing it i know what should be changed but i have no time to do it. I invite you and all who use it to colaborate in the design, solidworks files can be downloaded.</p><p>to your questions:</p><p>1) Because contraction of materials (And ABS have a lot) 12mm designed hole is a bit less than 12mm. I drilled the hole with 12mm bit and it works perfect.</p><p>2)It's not designed for use with nuts, yuo should use screw for plastic like "plastite"</p><p>3)The design is for use with e3d heater block and um heating resistance not for ultimaker heater block. even this, the resistance is too close to the left fan and it melts, should be redesigned.</p><p>4) Yes, you ned 40mm fans, the size is 40x40x10 mm. These wark very nice.</p><p>Hope this hepls.</p>
Richard M
Richard M
over 9 years
<p>Just tried as I liked the look however due to a few issues with it I can't really use it. These aren't complaints they're just comments as I really appreciate the work that went into it.</p><p>1) The 12mm X hole seems too large for the bearing, it fits but it's just a lot looser than the Y hole - just me?</p><p>2) The lack of nut traps means I've tapped the holes but that makes me wary of taking it apart and putting back together again.</p><p>3) The left/right fan clearance doesn't allow me to use the Ultimaker original heater block.</p><p>4) You have to buy new fans for the hot end as it doesn't use the Ultimaker originals - and they have to be very thin otherwise they interfere with the xy blocks.</p><p>Still it's a thing of beauty and printed really well even without any support.</p>
almost 10 years
<p>I hate to be a pain, but do you think you can export STEP files? I don't have access to SolidWorks.</p>
almost 10 years
<p>To keep the bearing securely in place I heated the inside of the hole slightly with a soldering iron. Just enough to soften the material a bit (ABS in my case). Then I just pressed the bearing in and it fit very well.</p>
almost 10 years
<p>How do you prevent the bearings from popping out from there?</p>
almost 10 years
<p>Wow, this is beautiful! I am interested in dual extrusion - has anyone modified this for that?</p>
almost 10 years
<p>Hello, great design, but I have a few tweaks I would like to make so would it be a problem for you to share all the solidworks files? When I open the .sldprt file I get a bunch of errors.</p>
about 10 years
You're right! I designed this for work with abs and my hot bed. The clips position for my "home made" hot bed make unable to put fan ducts closer to the glass. E3D nozzle is very small so the air could cold nozzle. I have in my "things to do list" to modify the mount so you can set diferent height, i have to modify the hot bed first.
about 10 years
I am using this mount for my E3D V6 and I was having under extrusion problems while printing Black PLA. I tried a bunch of things but I felt like the problem may have been the left fan duct ( I am only using 1 fan setup) is too high and is blowing directly on the upper portion of the nozzle and essentially cooling the nozzle before the plastic extrudes which adds more pressure. Eventually this causes enough back pressure and can cause under extrusion. With black I had better results printing without the fan which led to my suspicion.
over 10 years
Hello, Have you any feedback please. Best regards

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