E3D Printrbot Mount

By bkpkt

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Sriram Sivakumar
Sriram Sivakumar
over 8 years
Yes, Z probe is adjusted accordingly. I've been using E3D with PBot for more than 2 years with some other adapters for PBot. I used to use this http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:559657 to actually compensate the shorter length. You adapter seems to swallow a portion of the E3D neck. I guess this results in the shortage of length for the nozzle to touch the bed when the Z is lowered to the maximum possible distance.
over 8 years
Did you adjust the Z probe? The E3D is shorter than the Ubis, so you need to move it upwards quite a bit. Aside from that, I can't think of what it might be (and my Simple Metal is in pieces at the moment, so I can't experiment).
Sriram Sivakumar
Sriram Sivakumar
over 8 years
Hey, I printed this and installed it on my PrintrBot Simple Metal this morning. I've an E3D-Lite6. I believe the dimensions of both V6 and Lite6 are same. When I installed the Lite6 and zeroed my Z axis, the nozzle has around 5mm gap from the bed and that's the maximum I can move my Z axis. I'm wondering how did you get it to work on your machine.



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