Dual Head X-Y Calibration Plate

By HalfwitTomfoolery

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Dual Head X-Y Calibration Plate

By HalfwitTomfoolery

at 2024-05-02
This plate is designed to help those with a dual head printer align the offsets between them. The intended use is: 1. Align as closely as you can through direct measurement. 2. Print a coarse alignment plate for whichever nozzle size you're using (0.5mm range). 3. Adjust the head offsets in your slicer based on which target lines up the best. Keep in mind that printers' axes may not always line up with the positive/negative axis on the plate, so you may need to flip the measurement the other direction. 4. Repeat steps 2-3 until your printer is aligned as closely as you can get using that plate. 5. Print a fine alignment plate for whichever nozzle size you're using (0.2mm range). 6. Align in the same manner as the coarse alignment. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 as necessary to align your heads. I have generated and included files for various nozzle sizes (0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.6mm) and ranges (0.5mm coarse, 0.2mm fine). The model is generated using OpenSCAD, so if your printer uses two different nozzle sizes which are not an even multiple of each other or different than what I've included, you can change it. Also, DO NOT SCALE. Considering the marks are designed to be exactly the size of the nozzle, it will mess up the print. If you need a different size, open up a close OpenSCAD file and adjust the parameters to generate what you need.
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===== Printers ===== * Heavily-modified 8" dual-extruder machine that started its life as a MakerFarm i3v. Most of the parts on it have been replaced with improved versions. * Large format machine similar to a C-Bot. ===== Materials: ====...


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