Dovetail wall connector

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Dovetail wall connector

Published at 2024-05-02

By Dirkels



11 objects 12 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago Utrecht, Nederland


This is dovetail connector with screw holes so you can mount it on a wall or other flat surface. It makes use of my earlier dovetail design ( so if you want to use the dovetail_wall.scad file to make your own size connectors you have to download the dovetail.scad ( file as well.module dovetailWallConnector:This is basically a flat plate with a dovetail and screw holes to mount it on a wall or any other flat surface.Parameters:gender: Boolean value to indicate male (false) or female (true) style connector. Default value is the in the dovetail.scad set global parameter Dovetail_Gender. size: 3 value array giving the size of the dovetail (male/female combined). Default value is the in the dovetail.scad set global parameter Dovetail_Size. margin: Decimal value giving the space to keep between male and female connectors. To get a perfect fit you might have to experiment a bit with this value.  Default value is the in the dovetail.scad set global parameter Dovetail_Margin.plate: Decimale value or 3 value array giving the size of the plate the dovatail is mounted on. When only a single decimal value is given its is used as thickness of the plate and other measurements are taken from the dovetail size. When needed the plate is enlarged so the screw holes can be fitted. Default value is global set parameter Wall_Plate.hole: Decimale value giving the diameter of the screw holes in the plate. Default value is global set parameter Wall_Hole.sunken: Boolean value indicating if the screw holes must be made sunken. Default value is global set parameter Wall_Hole_Sunken.Global parameters:Wall_Plate = 5; Set to your preferred plate size so you don't have to specify it every time you call the above modules.Wall_Hole = 4; Set to your preferred screw hole diameter so you don't have to specify it every time you call the above modules.Wall_Hole_Sunken = yes(); Set to your preferred screw hole style so you don't have to specify it every time you call the above modules.Helpfull functions:dovetailGender(): returns global set (in dovetail.scad) parameter Dovetail_Gender.dovetailMargin(): returns global set (in dovetail.scad) parameter Dovetail_Margin.dovetailSize(): returns global set (in dovetail.scad) parameter Dovetail_Size.wallPlate(): returns global set parameter Wall_Plate.wallHole(): returns global set parameter Wall_Hole.wallHoleSunken(): returns global set parameter Wall_Hole_Sunken.female(): returns true to indicate female style connector.male(): returns false to indicate male style connector.yes(): returns returns false.inchToMm(i): for my imperial minded friends, returns the mm value of a specified inch value.


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