@Supersurfer: I've also looked it to connect them in series and seems a bad idea. Now you confirmed it, so like you said, best way is to buy some 24V fans. Thanks for the offer, I'll first look if I'm able to find any, if not I'll PM you.
about 9 years
I had the same problem, bought 12V fans, because these are easily available. Connecting them in series does not work, I tried it: depending on the starting position of the motor poles they will start, or not, they are also prone to resonate.
only one solution; get 24V fans.
Another option is using a regulator to transform from 24 to 12V but this is not very efficient, more complex and will not be chepaer than using 24V fans.
If you are unable to source the right fans, I am able to get some for you. You can PM me if you want.
Pieter Huyghe
about 9 years
I've installed the new fan mounts, but didn't quite finished with the electronics, some other stuff came up. Last week I was looking to do this, but found out that the standard fan is 24V and my new 40x40mm fans are 12V (also didn't found them in 24V version). So I'm now wondering if other users just connected the two fans in series or connected it to a different circuit?
Pieter Huyghe
over 9 years
Ok, thanks for the feedback, succeeded now to install it with the M3 nuts. Good to hear that prints have improved. I now sometimes see flaws on the side with no cooling fan, so seems that this indeed should solve it.
over 9 years
@ Pieter,
I have used M3 threaded ends on the underside of the UM hot-end; you can mount them on the threaded ends and lock with M3 nuts. You must fiddle around with the fan speed settings, mine can not run as low as the original fan so I had to increase speed in the low end.
It is working flawlessly for the last half year! Prints are improved due to the cooling from both sides.
Pieter Huyghe
over 9 years
I've printed your design, looks very good. But do you have some higher resolution pictures about the mount? Cause I'm having trouble to mount them.
over 9 years
<p>Does any air come out of the nozzles when the fans are running? I made a conical reducer/duct for a 5" fan that reduced diameter to 30mm. When I turned on the fan, no air came out of the nozzle.</p>
almost 10 years
<p><br></p><p>This is a nice design.</p><p>Can this be used with PLA? I am afraid it is a bit to close to the heater and melts the PLA.</p>
over 10 years
Great design!
Can you please explain how to connect the power of both fans to the Ultimaker?
almost 11 years
I Made it, its not for 40mm Fan, its for something smaller
I think<br><br>EDIT: Ok the standard ultimaker fan its 50mm (40 between the screws)<br>This is for a 40mm Fan (3.2 between the screws)