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Door Pedal: A 3D Printed COVID-19 Hands-Free Door Opener

Published at 2024-05-02


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The Door Pedal project is an open-source, COVID-19 mitigation device, that was designed to help reduce the transmission of SARS-COV-2 further than existing door opening solutions. It was also designed to inspire makers like you, to invent new ways of operating the world using our feet, vs. our hands. Head over to the Instructable page: For full details on the project background & motivation, design and installation instructions. I'll walk you through how to set up your very own Door Pedal in your home or office! The door pedal concept has the potential to further reduce contact with contaminated surfaces, than current arm-operated door opener designs, or surfaces using nano-copper infused materials. Using just 5 3D printed parts, standard fasteners (1/4"-20 or M6 screws), and some rope (or even a coat hanger!), you can modify one side of your door to be opened and closed, completely hands-free. To modify one door, you'll need 2 sets of door pedals. One set can be printed on a Prusa-I3 sized bed, in a single printing run. Please reach out to me if you have any questions on using or modifying the design.


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