Because my balcony door has no handle, I designed this one. Without damaging the door with holes, the doorhandle can only be mounted with double-sided tape. Based on the weather influence, I have printed it with ABS. For a better adhesion on the heated bed and low warping, one of the STL-files has additional supports. The other file is the same one, but without the supports.
The doorhandle is printed with the following settings:
- filament of ABS with 3 mm diameter
- nozzle with 0,5 mm diameter
- layer thickness of 0,1 mm
- 100 % filling
- some double-faced adhesive tape
Thank you for the praise. Have lots of fun with the door handle.
over 7 years
Oh, well.
Luckily i printed this in 100 % along with the 140 %, as my roller shutter jammed on the 140 % version.
Anyway, great design. Great attention to detail for such a small, supposedly simple part.