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Doodle3D tower

Published at 2024-05-03

By Joris



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Joined almost 12 years ago rooiejoris@gmail.com


This Doodle3D tower is made for a children's movie festival in the Netherlands autumn 2013 called Cinekid. Rick [Doodle3D] and me wanted to make an autonomous 3D print installation for children. To make it a bit more fun we stacked the 3D printers a bit angled.When printing we didn't print on the blue tape. We used paper sheets [200 grams] and 'just glued them with Glue stick on the platform or clamped them with a paper clamp. The instructions were printed on the sheets... : )Underneath there is a sheet of fake grass to keep the adults on a distance and the children could sit on the floor.The electronics and chargers are all hided in the bottom and the power cord is hidden under the 'grass'. To make it extra stable, the tower is fixed on the carpet with an extra piece of would and bolts [this is optional].When working with kids there are 2 [a little] dangerous parts on an Ultimaker. The hot end and the feeder mechanism gears. You can cover the hot end, but then you don't see how it works and in my opinion that is less fun. For the feeder gear i printed a safety disc so small fingers cannot catch between the gears.Instructions- Laser cut the design and put it together like an Ultimaker original.- Place the the ipads under the would and mount them with rubber bands [used for tents]- Place the safety feeder gear wheel discs- Take a few steps back and watch children [and adults] having lots of fun.For more info about my projects see:www.rooiejoris.nlwww.facebook.com/europerminutedesign[and www.thingiverse.com/joris]


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almost 11 years
Thanks Erik...!
almost 11 years
I loved seeing this in real life! I featured it!

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