DJi Mavic Pro Big parts set :-)

By mnis

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DJi Mavic Pro Big parts set :-)

By mnis

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DJi Mavic Pro Big parts set :-)

By mnis

at 2024-05-09
Big DJi Mavic Pro parts set: Construction completed, for the currently published parts. You should be able to create flawless replicas using the files provided. But some objects may require small corrections. You always print at your own risk. Avoid unnecessary printing, and wait for all objects to be checked by me. You will find the current status of all objects under the general description, in the last section: Development progress! All additional parts (my constructions) relevant for the flight have not been checked for flightability ! If you want, you can test it now. And maybe some feedback comes :-) If you want the latest versions, check back soon.


Post-Printing: All additional parts (my constructions) relevant for the flight have not been checked for flightability ! For the flight relevant additional parts printed in PLA weigh approximately 22.5 grams. And with the reduced parts you can save a total of about 2 grams of weight. The Mavic is about 25.5mm higher with attached accessories, and should now be on a level surface almost horizontal. To allow the front feet to lie flat on a flat surface, the legs are angled by about 5 degrees. The rear leg should not negatively affect any nearby sensors, but I could not (yet) verify during a flight. If replicas are too tight, try to print at slightly lower temperatures. Otherwise, try using slightly higher temperatures. Alternatively, you can adjust the material flow in the machine settings. The front legs can also be protected against slipping and loss with a small piece of rubber band. The nozzle diameter should not exceed 0.4mm. Development Progress This Big parts set currently contains the following components: General purpose parts: DJi-MavicPro-(BladesBox-H) DJi-MavicPro-(BladesBox-V) STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* DJi-MavicPro-(E-Cover-Simple) DJi-MavicPro-(E-Cover-Front) DJi-MavicPro-(E-Cover-Rear) STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* DJi-MavicPro-(FrontLegs) DJi-MavicPro-(FrontLegs-Light) / Previous file name: FrontLegs-Reduced STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* DJi-MavicPro-(RearLeg) DJi-MavicPro-(RearLeg-Light) / Previous file name: RearLeg-Reduced STATUS since 2017-09-29: Successfully printed* !!! Currently, this accessory has been discarded 1 time and a new improved is now available. But also this variant has not yet been tested for suitability for the flight. This accessory may still interfere with the rear ultrasonic sensor !!! DJi-MavicPro-(TriBattTray) STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* DJi-MavicPro-(LensCare) ... for original DJi Filters ND4-ND8-ND16 STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* Specialized parts: DJiMavicPro-NBDA: STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* This is a special stabilizer clip for a modified USB Safety Tester J7-t which is mounted on a SKYREAT tablet holder for DJi Mavic remote control. The purpose behind this is to disable the battery charging functionality for all Android devices connected to the remote control. Simply stated: A 200 Ohm resistor in the 5 volt power circuit of the USB connection prevents the DJi Mavic remote control from charging any connected Android devices. For this purpose a USB data cable including resistor was internally soldered to the J7-t, and the housing was provided with a lateral hole for the cable. NEW DJiMavicPro-(ZenFone2) ... Asus ZenFone2-Adapter for use with DJI Mavic RemoteControl. STATUS: OK / Successfully printed and tested* DJIMavicPro-(Note4) ... Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Adapter for use with DJI Mavic RemoteControl. STATUS: UNKNOWN / Object has not yet been printed and tested. DJIMavicPro-(S7edge) ... Samsung Galaxy S7edge Adapter for use with DJI Mavic RemoteControl. STATUS: UNKNOWN / Object has not yet been printed and tested. Info: These special adapters made by me allow carefree use of Smartphones on the DJI Mavic pro or Platinum Controller. The entire touch-sensitive surface of the smartphone is fully accessible. For example: Without an adapter, using the Zenfone2 with the Mavic remote control is problematic because, the power button is difficult to reach. Now the smartphone is comfortable and safe to use with the controller. A perfect fit and firm hold is additionally guaranteed. Also a recommended additional attachment of a neck strap is now conceivably easy to implement as an option. From now on, the smartphone and the DJI-Controller are sufficiently well protected against accidental drops. Further smartphone adapters are planned and in preparation: If you are looking for or want a special adapter in this design type, leave a comment with at least the side dimensions of the smartphone. The following additional information in millimeters is important: width, thickness, and the exact position of control elements or openings to be considered. In addition, based on the design of the adapter, the total height of the smartphone is limited to a maximum of 160mm. Higher dimensions are already possible by further adjustments of the adapter pairs...


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I am a TINKERER...mad thinker with no specific aim, wrong chosen profession and little time. I construct all 3D objects to date with SketchUp. And with my Ultimaker2 (self-modified) I create physical objects from biopolymers. Everything makes sure a...


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