For explanation of how to use it see: Chenlong Zhang, Sandra Cvetanovic, Joshua M. Pearce. Fabricating Ordered 2-D Nano-Structured Arrays Using Nanosphere Lithography. MethodsX 4, 2017, pp. 229-242. DOI:10.1016/j.mex. open access:
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Recent advances in the use of plasmonic metamaterials to improve absorption of light in thin-film solar photovoltaic devices has created a demand for a scalable method of patterning large areas with metal nanostructures deposited in an ordered array. This article describes two methods of fabricating ordered 2D nanosphere colloidal films: spin coating and interface coating. The two methods are compared and parameter optimization discussed. The study reveals that:
For smaller nanosphere sizes, spin coating is more favorable, while for larger nanospheres, the angled interface coating provides more coverage and uniformity.
A surfactant-free approach for interface coating is developed to fabricate zero-contamination colloidal films.
Each of the methods reaches an overall coverage of more than 90% and can be used for nanosphere lithography to form plasmonic metamaterials.