Digital Thermometer Mount

By Mark_Rehorst

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Digital Thermometer Mount

By Mark_Rehorst

at 2024-05-04
I often print with ABS which requires a warm print chamber to prevent delamination and warping. I have found that getting the chamber to at least 45C does the job, but how do you know when it's 45C? I ordered this: thermometer module from Amazon for $6 and then shortened the cable to the thermistor.I designed two different mounts, one of which I printed and used.  I attach it to my printer using magnetic tape, but you can use velcro tape or screws.I printed with ABS in 0.25 mm layers, 20 % infill, no brim/raft.
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Joined almost 10 years ago Wisconsin, USA

Former electrical engineer, I became a dentist in 2011.  I designed and built my printer, Son of MegaMax, using surplus machine parts at the Milwaukee Makerspace. My newest printer design, Ultra MegaMax Dominator, is a coreXY machine with a 300...


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