dIFS Fractal Maze Ball

By Tautological Recursion

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dIFS Fractal Maze Ball

By Tautological Recursion

at 2024-05-03
This is a rather simple fractal sphere made with Mandelbulb 3D (more information below along with the specs for my personal print). The model itself isn't too big and doesn't really need much support, though a little might not hurt in some of the larger grooves. The ball is NOT a perfect sphere! In fact, I've oriented the .stl to reflect this: there's a small, flat section on the ball that comes as a result of the way that the fractal was created. I'll see if I can't use Meshmixer to smooth it out, but for the moment, it is what it is. (You might not mind. The pattern continues over the area, and though it's small, it's large enough to balance the finished model without issue which could be desirable for display purposes.) This is my first attempt at creating a mesh and slicing it with Mandelbulb 3D, and there are still a LOT of faces and vertices. If this sort of thing bugs you, go ahead and run in through MeshLab and smooth it out more, but Cura and my UM2 handled it without a hitch. Hope you all like it, and good luck printing! :) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My print: I used a UM2 at 50mm/sec for precision sake just at 0.1mm with 20% infill. I suggest plate support as it is rather hard to print spheres, but the grooves probably don't need it. (Cura says it used 15.3m of material, weighing in at 121g with supports and taking around 20 hours at 125% of the shape's default size.)More on the fractal: So as I said earlier this was made with Mandelbulb 3D, a free software which can be downloaded at http://www.fractalforums.com/index.php?action=downloads;cat=5 This model is a dIFS fractal (a HeightMap2IFS). If you want to make your own, select that particular dIFS fractal, choose MapNr 13, change H offset to -2, X and Y scale to 0.5, H scale to 0.26, and (most importantly!) No Plane to 1. Alternatively, the exact parameters are: Mandelbulb3Dv18{g.....w....o0...w....2....kO3t6ShFkszajA/tagVp0EM039OnvIzvnxKwLN6DgkzWOoLA.rSAxD................................NSIwlfEvF.2........A./..................y.2...wD...Uz6....k2..../M.0/...........8.....E3.....Uzcb7Du//oD/..........G0dkpXm1....../EnAnQD12../..........wz................................IU0.....y1...sD...../...zHnAnQDXCc0lXSEEx1..........OV.vosrWebjKaJJCLjxttHgzOV4jIE9z6uONmkxlyoDG09qBnTlLtXgF6o1r5vHzaoWbSl93omDU.....I41.............sD.6....sD..G.0................................oAnAt1...sD....zw1........................................./....k1......Ksulz1.......kz.wzzz1.U..6.P....U5...EB....m....c3....F....6/...I1.....SF52...U.qFG9yzb2zzzRYoWzz7lz16.pc..zXCc..kvrEtMc7xD6ocyFE0ujz1..........2.28.kFrA0..Ub96aAIVz9.1se7Umvxz0........../EU0.wzzz1...........s/...................E.2c..zzzz.............0...................2./8.kzzzD............8..................../EU0.wzzz1...................................2CcN/UvNPcveeWCNq0.yRiibHJJUk1f..XRSvBmx3CcN/UvNPcvQsLsUa3.ibhVi1bTV1OK.sSq4uCly3CcN/UvNPcvMwLsUa3.ibhVinqTV1OK.sSq4uCkz3CcN/UvNPcv..EsUa3feeWCNqGQIJ36wk8EwyLsUa3f................................E....2..F2E.....I....w.....GZZqNcFLHV/bA7NoI.........................6E./2E./2U/4MU.02E.0.........U8./...............................1........yD........Uz1dkpX0LD8oz...................................................kzXaNaNaNaNiz.........zD........kz1.............}{Titel: Maze Ball 1}

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Joined almost 10 years ago North Carolina, USA

I'm making mathematical designs for right now using Mandelbulb 3D. Hope you like them! All feedback is welcome and appreciated.


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