RedCat Ascent Fusion - Transmission Wire Bridge and Shock Tower Bumper Kit

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RedCat Ascent Fusion - Transmission Wire Bridge and Shock Tower Bumper Kit

Published at 2024-10-29
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SBI Prints

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Introducing another RedCat Ascent Fusion upgrade, this time, a pair of smaller items to improve your truck’s durability and keep some important wire safe!

Transmission Wire Bridge: Easily secure your HobbyWing SE power wire so that it doesn’t get caught up in the rear drive shaft. Use your existing transmission screws to secure the bridge and the included zip ties to secure your battery wire and keep it safe.

Shock Tower Bumpers - A quick install and your rear shock towers are protected from getting chipped from that enviable fall of your favorite trail or course. Save your towers from getting split and chipped with these bumpers.

Hardware: You’ll need just zip ties to secure your battery wire to the bridge. 3mm wide and as long as you have around should be just fine.

Installation - Transmission Wire Bridge: Carefully unscrew the two screws on the top of your transmission, note their location (one is much longer than the other). Place the Wire Bridge on top and re-insert the screws. Use the included zip tie(s) to secure your HobbyWing SE battery wire so that it stays safe.

Installation - Shock Tower Bumpers: Carefully unscrew (there is probably loctite on the screws) the lower rear shock tower cross-brace. If you have a Multifunction Shock Pliers you can use them to hold on to the brace while you unscrew it. Once unscrewed add in the two bumpers to their respective sides of the brace. Reattach the brace (re-apply loctite as needed) and you’re good to go.


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