Dark field illumination stage for agar plates

By vektor

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Dark field illumination stage for agar plates

By vektor

at 2024-05-02
This stage is developed as part of a open science hardware project for bacterial swarming motility assessment ([MBac](https://github.com/vektorious/mbac)). It is a stand-alone module which can be used to take images of agar plates. For illumination use a standard LED strip and glue it to the inside of the main body. You also need to cover the bottom of the main body with black velvet (I uses black velvet glue foil). We will be working on an add-on to add a Raspberry Pi camera to the setup.
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Joined almost 7 years ago Munich, Germany

Biotechnologist, Tinkerer and PhD student at TU Munich, doing crossover research in microbiology and plant immunity. I love to recreate open source hardware and develop my own!


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