Made this is to stop hunting around for tools in drawers and to obviate the chaos on the desk. Ad as many sections as you need. Added led lights and a touch toggle switch just because its fun. Connections between sections are made with Jst-PH 2 connectors.
Adafruit White LED Backlight Module - Large 45mm x 86mm
Adafruit Standalone Toggle Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
100 ohm resistors in front of longer lead (+) on the LED. (LEDs wired in parallel)
Mini USB connector
M4 16mm screws
Male female Jst -PH2 connectors
24gauge cable
heat shrink tube
PLA 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm nozzle, 2 outer layers 10% infill, 20% infill on the bottom part.