This is a work in progress!When I started with this Robot, I planned to add caterpillars. It's still possible, but only with an additional model (due to other material specifications; e.g. soft PLA). I wish the OpenJSCAD model could be integrated into Youmagine... :)
If you don't touch the parameters, you're fine with 7 screws M4 by 10 and some superglue.
Hi Erik,
Nice to hear that. I just uploaded the .jscad file and hope the corresponding button will be added soon. ;-)
I'm trying to gently push the guys at OpenJSCAD in this direction. I think the more makers are asking for this functions, the better the chance of an enhanced functionality.
Tell me, if I can help in any way (but my programming skils are poor).
over 10 years
Hi enhydra... Thanks for suggesting it. Actually, if you add the .jscad file here, there will be a download button, but with a future upgrade it will become a different button :)
You're right about some work on that side. If you help me convince the main developer that would be really nice. And if needed we can do it ourselves and create a pull request. :)
over 10 years
Cool, I hope they are listening. But also OpenJSCAD would have to do some work. ;-)
Frank (Ikki)
over 10 years
"I wish the OpenJSCAD model could be integrated into Youmagine... :)"
That is what i told Ultimaker in a on-line questionnaire from them. (I hope they will try to add it.)