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CRF450X fan mount/shroud (unofficial replacement item)

Published at 2024-05-02

By Creo



21 objects 43 Followers
Joined over 10 years ago


Note: This is a design created by a Honda customer/fan. Otherwise, there is no connection between the designer and Honda. This is not an official Honda part. It's not endorsed by Honda and not specifically intended for Honda products. With a 4" SPAL fan and a radiator fan switch you can cool your bike while on those tight wood trails to prevent overheating.  Not only is it a mount, but since it is close to the radiator, it also functions as a shroud!Do not print in PLA, it wont withstand the heat. I've been using my ABS one in 100+ TX heat and no softening.  Printed in ABS, and using a 200F switch, it is 20 degrees below the glass transition temp so you shouldn't have any issues.Even fits with Flatland radiator braces :-). Update 10/29/14: also fits with an IMS 3.2 gallon tank installed!!STL has a 0.6mm thick layer in the holes to act as suuport for the round hole above a hexagonal hole. Easily cuts out with an exacto knife. Just wanted to be clear to anyone that happens upon this part and wants to use it....while I've used this without any problems related to the printed mount, there is some electrical info you should know.   If you put a SPAL 4" fan on a stock CRF450X, you are likely to have electrical in dead batteries.If you look up the output of the charging system for the bike, it is 40W AC and 20W DC. The AC goes to the headlight, the DC to the battery and ignition system(and any other lights if you have a dual sport kit). Now, the SPAL fan draws 2.5 amps at 12V, that is 30W.  10W more than the bike can output on the DC side to the battery.You will need to upgrade you OEM stator for more output to power the fan.  You can ignore my warnings at the risk of battery life, just don't blame me.  There are people that are running this fan on OEM charging systems but it is extremely poor engineering practice to put an electrical load on a system that is larger than what the charging system can generate.My stator was rewound for a max total output of 150watts. This runs the fan, dual sport kit, usb/cigarette adapter power port, and 72watts of led headlights :-)Want one but don't have a printer? Try this


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over 10 years
Ok well let me know what you want for the molded ones when you get them. Did some steep loose single track this weekend and got to 238 so it would be nice to get my fan installed. Although I am pretty sure my brain was running about the same temp in my helmet so I am not sure how much more I could push it.
over 10 years
Yea, that is a little less than what I was quoted for a print out of a 3DSystems printer and way to high for someone just needing one, but if you build your own printer, its pennies in ABS :-). It is considerably less than what quotes were for a milled part so the mold tooling that will be used for the urethane castings will be my file printed on a Projet HD. Supposed to pick it up this friday.
over 10 years
Ok, let me know. I priced getting it printed locally, and at $80 it is too high.
over 10 years in the US? Also, I will have some available that will be cast in temp resistant(263F) urethane...hopefully within the month.
over 10 years
I love this design. Now if only I had a printer. You wouldn't by chance want to print one for me?

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