Assembly instructions:
View the link below to download the assembly instructions (same instruction manual as the “Crawler Cat 1 Expedition Cab”. Steps are slightly different but are easy to understand. Feel free to contact us if you find the instructions unclear.)
There are also a few options for easier printing and personal preferences:
Cab: (Ideal to print in upside down orientation)
- Cab full (cab is a 1 piece print. Requires a printer that can print a minimum of 180x235x415mm)
- Cab split(splits the cab into 2 halves, a 2 piece print. Requires a printer that can print a minimum of 180x235x205mm)
- Standard (standard width meant for 240mm width outermost tyre to tyre)
- Wide track (meant for 265mm width outermost tyre to tyre)
- Full (full length, 1 piece print. Requires a printer that can print a minimum length of 310mm)
- Split (split length, 2 piece print. Requires a printer that can print a minimum length of 170mm)
Cab rear panel:
- Visor (The rear panel designed for use with the rear visor)
- Non visor (The rear panel designed for use without the rear visor)
Rear antenna:
- Short (For use with or without the rear visor)
- Long (For use without the rear visor)
There are also some files that will need to be printed multiple times:
Cab joiner inside x2
Cab joiner outside x2
Side vent x2
Cab side light lens x6
Cab side hinge x3
Window hinge x15
Tail light lens x6
Traction board x2