Conductive filament test

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Conductive filament test

Published at 2024-05-03

By camerin



20 objects 13 Followers
Joined about 11 years ago Redmond, Washington


This print is a 2 part print that will be used to demonstrate conductive filaments. The goal is to get all 4 LEDs to light and to be able to solder to the board. the board is designed to break off the large conductor area on the right side, this conductor shorts the board if not removed. The  resistor value will depend upon the LED and voltage source chosen.  If you wish to electroplate, connect to the very thick trace at one side, the board is designed to break off and there by remove all shorts.If printed on FR4 with .5 Oz copper the circuit board should have no traces with a resistance greater than 1 Ohm. All LEDs should light, Using low current LEDs is cheating.


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about 10 years
<p>It definitely will not work for high current yet. This is a test piece for seeing what we can do as most conducive filament are mostly useless.</p>
about 10 years
Hey Camerin, How did you do with this? I have an application that requires 18a at 15.8v DC. do you think conductive filament would work at that load? Thanks!

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