After looking around on Thingiverse and Youmagine for a spring, I found there were no plain and simple compression springs. So, I modeled one myself. This spring does everything you'd expect it to do: compress, extend, and even bounce! At some point I hope to print this with dissolvable support so that there will be less dipping. I'd recommend printing in PLA actually, as I'm concerned that ABS would be too flexible and soft to have the same physical properties as the springs I've printed.As I mentioned above, print the spring in PLA. Print the spring on an infill of your choice based on how springy and compressible you want it to be. Also, use a raft (Furthermore, make sure your build plate has really good adhesion). I would not recommend using supports unless it's dissolvable like PVA or HIPS which dissolve in limonene or water (You'll need at least dual extruder printer).Note: The bigger it is printed, the better it will come out.
-HIPS or PVA (Optional, see description)