Competition Pro Remake Using Arcade Parts

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Competition Pro Remake Using Arcade Parts

Published at 2024-05-06


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Joined about 3 years ago Outer Space


The Competition Pro is a legendary joystick from the early 80s created by Kempston Micro Electronics, the same company that produced the Kempston interface for my beloved ZX Spectrum. Here is my retro remake of this awesome 80s waggle stick using arcade parts to power the internals. The main body parts click together quite tightly, so make sure to screw your Sanwa clone joystick into the housing first. _4410H means: 4 top layers, 4 bottom layers, 10% infill and H is Hex infill. _4415H means: 4 top layers, 4 bottom layers, 15% infill and H is Hex infill. Joy_QSCP_JSTop_4410H is built for a stem/shaft of 37 x 9mm (not inc. screw top) As there are numerous Sanwa clones of various stem/shaft sizes I have included the STL file for the joystick top so that you can fine tune it to your parts. Please consider supporting me on Patreon: Here's a non-affiliate ebay link to the type of cheap and cheerful Sanwa clone I use: Print Settings Printer: Aquila X2 Rafts: No Supports: No Filament brand: Voxelab Filament material: PLA Notes: I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to Mikko Leskinen: His Competition Pro remake is one of the first things I 3D printed and can be found here: My design is not a remix of this, I made mine from scratch in Blender but his work was definitely an inspiration.


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