This casing is designed to house Codebug which is a device that makes learning to code fun (see ).
This bug-like casing comprises a main body with a clip-on backplate. Just insert the Codebug into the main housing and then clip the backplate in place and your Codebug is secure with the dot matrix display showing through the front
If you are able to print with flexible filaments then the Bug Eyes are designed to be printed using that type of material and then glued into the holes in the main body. This allows the 'eyes' to be pressed to operate the switches on the circuitboard.
The main housing looks good if printed in two colours with the relief features printed in a contrast colour to the main body. Just pause the printer at the start of these layers and change filament.
Happy Printing & Happy Coding
Parts required :
1 Main Housing
1 Backplate
2 x Bug Eyes