A circular maze created with TinkerCAD codeblocks.
Generates random circular mazes with 8 radial sections complete with barriers and gaps.
Channels suits a 3mm ball bearing.
Overall dimensions 90(dia) x 6(H) mm.
The basic generator does not check for a solution although it's designed to maximise the probability of a solvable puzzle.
Therefore, verify the generated mazes can be solved prior to use.
Transparent Cover:
The puzzle is designed to accept an optional circular transparent cover with 4 fixing points at the cardinal points for M2 screws. This will ensure that the ball bearing is not easily lost.
Clear Acrylic Disk (no affilation feel free to use your preferred supplier)
Links valid at the time of publication.
Print Details:
Filament: PLA+ Green
Layer height: 0.15 mm
Infill Density: 100%
Base Adhesion: Skirt
Print Time: ~3Hrs
Weight: ~22g
Post Processing:
Check for aberrations in the channels and clear with fine sandpaper to ensure that the ball bearing runs smoothly.