Whirligig, Pterodactyl.

By gzumwalt

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I acquired the following parts:

• One 16mm diameter ball bearing.

I 3D printed the following parts at .15mm layer height, 100% infill in tough PLA:

• Four "Axle 2mm.stl".
• Eight "Axle 4mm.stl".
• One "Base.stl".
• Two "Bellcrank.stl".
• Four "Blade.stl".
• One "Body.stl".
• One "Bolt, Mount.stl".
• Two "Cam Pin.stl".
• Two "Cam.stl".
• One "Gear (1.5m 48t).stl".
• One "Hub Axle.stl".
• One "Hub.stl".
• One "Joiner.stl".
• One "Mount.stl".
• One "Wing Left.stl".
• One "Wing Main Axle.stl".
• One "Wing Mount.stl".
• Two "Wing Pushrod.stl".
• One "Wing Right.stl".
• Two "Wingtip Arm.stl".
• One "Wingtip Left.stl".
• Two "Wingtip Pushrod.stl".
• One "Wingtip Right.stl".
• One "Yoke Guide.stl".
• One "Yoke.stl".

This is a high precision 3D print and assembly model using at times very small precision parts in very tight spaces. Prior to assembly, test fit and trim, file, sand, polish, etc. all parts as necessary for smooth movement of moving surfaces, and tight fit for non moving surfaces. Depending on you printer, your printer settings and the colors you chose, more or less trimming, filing, sanding and/or polishing may be required. Carefully file all edges that contacted the build plate to make absolutely certain that all build plate "ooze" is removed and that all edges are smooth. I used small jewelers files and plenty of patience to perform this step.

The model also uses threaded assembly thus an M8 by 1.25 tap and die will assist with thread cleaning if necessary.

Assemble The Drivetrain.

To assemble the drive train, I performed the following steps:

• Positioned "Gear (1.5m 48t).stl" between the center two towers of "Base.stl".
• Threaded one "Cam.stl" through one of the towers and into the gear.
• Threaded the remaining "Cam.stl" through the remaining tower and into the gear, making certain the threaded cam holes aligned.
• Glued one "Yoke Guide.stl" to one "Yoke.stl", then repeated the process with the remaining yoke and guide.
• Slid one yoke assembly into the outer base tower, positioned the yoke over one of the threaded cam holes, then secured the yoke to the cam using one "Cam Pin,stl".
• Repeated the previous step with the remaining yoke assembly but threaded the cam pin one hole away from the first cam pin.

At this point I made certain the gear train operated with ease.

Assemble The Wings.

To assemble the wings, I performed the following steps:

• Snapped "Wingtip Left.stl" onto "Wing Left.stl".
• Snapped "Wingtip Right.stl" onto "Wing Right.stl.
• Made certain the wingtips rotated with ease.
• Positioned the left wing assembly at the front of "Wing Mount.stl" then slid "Wing Main Axle.stl" through the hole in the wing mount and into the first hole in the left wing assembly.
• Position the right wing assembly between the left wing holes the slid the wing main axle through the right wing and into the left wing.
• Positioned one "Bellcrank.stl" into the assembly then slid the wing main axle through it.
• Positioned the remaining bell crank into the assembly then slid the wing main axle through it, then into the threaded hole and the back of the wing mount and secured it in place.

Install The Pushrods And Arms.

To install the pushrods, I performed the following steps:

• Glued the wing assembly onto the base assembly.
• Secured one "Wingtip Pushrod.stl" to the forward bell crank and rear yoke using two "Axle 2mm.stl".
• Secured the remaining wingtip pushrod to the rear bell crank and rear yoke using two "Axle 2mm.stl".
• Secured one "Wingtip Arm.stl" between the rear bell crank and the right wingtip using two "Axle 4mm.stl".
• Secured the remaining wingtip arm between the forward bell crank and the left wingtip using two "Axle 4mm.stl".
• Secured one "Wing Pushrod.stl" between the forward yoke and right wing using two "Axle 4mm.stl".
• Secured the remaining wing pushrod between the forward yoke and left wing using two "Axle 4mm.stl.

At this point I made certain the mechanism operated with ease.

Final Assembly.

For final assembly, I performed the following steps:

• Glued the four "Blade.stl" into "Hub.stl".
• Slid the hub assembly into the base assembly and secured in place with "Hub Axle.stl".
• Slid "Mount.stl" over the front of the assembly and secured in place with "Bolt, Mount.stl".
• Positioned the 16mm ball bearing into the top of "Joiner.stl" then slid the assembly into the mount.
• Glued "Body.stl" to the assembly.

At this point, again I made certain the mechanism operated with ease. There is a M8 by 1.25mm thread in the bottom of the joiner that is used to secure the assembly to a surface or pole. Just make certain the mounting method you use does not interfere with the blades.

And that is how I 3D printed and assembled "Whirligig, Pterodactyl".

I hope you enjoyed it!.

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Joined about 9 years ago My basement in Oklahoma, US

I fail when I decide to stop learning.


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