This casing is delivered in four versions:
a.) The casing with german texts, nuts to be inserted while printing
b.) The casing without german texts, nuts to be inserted while printing
c:) and d.) The versions for nuts to be inserted after printing, leaving holes on the bottom
The design was completely done in Freecad, its a completely parametrical version, the spreadsheet "aaa" is included in the Freecad-file, you can change values there.
You need a cooling fan of 80mm that is screwed on top of the cover.
The german texts describe what cables should be used at this place.
I printed this out of normal PLA. When you want to use the versions with insertion of nuts while printing, your printer should understand M600 Filament-Change-Command, you can insert thes commands in your slicer before the nut-holes are covered. In my case with layer size 0,24mm it was layer 30.