Camera Slider controlled by bluetooth

By alakeidy

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Camera Slider controlled by bluetooth

By alakeidy

at 2024-05-02
# This design is taken from , to get all the parts please visit the link and download the designs, on the other hand there are 3 parts that I modified to suite my needs. ## the camera mount, ## the Rail Foot ## foot extension # Step 1, I started by looking at the design and building it in Rhinoceros to understand how all the parts goes together. Which is a very easy process you just have to import all the files that you downloaded from thingiverse and assemble them to look like the finished camera slider. Itā€™s like playing with Legos but in a 3d program. # Step 2, When you understand the layout of the design you have to more to the next step. You have to buy all the parts. They are posted on this link in the part section. To get the parts faster you can use amazon one-day shipping option if you have extra money to spend. When you get the parts the first thing to do is to assemble the Arduino and the shield which is the hard part for me. First look at the circuit diagram get familiar with it . Then more to the hardware part you have to pay attention to every details like the direction of the Bluetooth chip and when the pins go after you finish with the wires. JUST PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS. After you are done with that connect it to the Arduino and connect it to the stepper and have to USP connected to your computer. Also make sure VIN jumper is connected without it there is no power coming to the stepper. # Step 3, Now we move to the software part which is a bit tricky. install the Arduino software and make sure that you have the needed libraries. ā€¢ Adafruit Motor Shield V2 Library. ā€¢ AdafruitĀ Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51. Then make sure that you have the Arduino selected from Tools>Board >Arduino and the port as well. Once everything is connected copy the code from the link above. Advanced Controller Motor Shield Sketch Then paste it in to the Arduino software verify it then upload it. # Step 4, Then next step is to download the Adafruit Bluefruit LE connect on your smart phone, once you have the app open it. make use that you have the Bluetooth on and it will detect the Arduino. If the blue tooth is not on there is something wrong with the wiring. Thatā€™s why you need to pay attention to detail when soldering. Go to the control then press the right arrow and that should make the stepper rotate step by step. # Step 5, Now you have to connect everything together please refer to this link . When everything is connected you have to adjust the code to your Rail length. By adjusting STEPPER_STEPS the slider can go farther if you add to it or shorter if you decrease the steps. 1. // Stepper motor config -------------- 2. #define STEPPER_STEPS 1100 // Length of slider 3. #define STEPPER_RPM 2 also the adjusting the modes didnā€™t work for me so I modified the code to make number 2 goes to the right slowly and number 4 goes to the right faster. Number 1 goes to the left slowly and number 3 goes to the left faster. case '1': if(!moving) { motor->step(1750, BACKWARD, MICROSTEP); break; } case '2': if(!moving) { motor->step(1750, FORWARD, MICROSTEP ); break; } case '3': if(!moving) { motor->step(1750, BACKWARD, DOUBLE); break; } case '4': if(!moving) { motor->step(1750, FORWARD, DOUBLE); break; } good luck..

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