Calibration Cube Organizer / Storage Box

By clait

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Calibration Cube Organizer / Storage Box

By clait

at 2024-05-06
Calibration Cube Organizer / Storage Box === Have you ever wanted more from your calibration cubes? Are you keeping all of them? Or do you simply need a storage box? There you go, here's the **Calibration Cube Organizer**! 😮 ![]( ![]( Box outside dimension is 100x100mm so it can also be used for actually calibrating your esteps! # Print Print with 2 perimeters, 5% infill and .2 layer size and you shouldn't have any problems of sort. There is enough tollerance on the lid to not have any issue with most printers. ![]( # Donations ⭐ [![ko-fi](]( ###### tags: `calibration` `calibration cube` `organizer` `storage box` `storage` `cube`
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