Easy Support Rod For Jeep Willys 1/6 1941 MB Scaler - RocHobby

By robroy07

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Easy Support Rod For Jeep Willys 1/6 1941 MB Scaler - RocHobby

By robroy07

90% goes to the Creator (excluding payment processing fees)


Easy Support Rod For Jeep Willys 1/6 1941 MB Scaler - RocHobby

By robroy07

at 2024-09-12
The Willys comes with a rod that is helpful when you need to change the battery or check anything in the chassis. The problem is that it does not come with a way to put it in the car and you have to carry it yourself in your backpack.

Here is a short video to show how it works: https://youtu.be/__Fm828vaME
This system allows to keep the support rod in the car all the time and take it only when you need it. It's very easy to print, easy to install and the rod comes out easily when you need it just pulling down from one of the sides.

To install it just remove the screws of the battery mount that are closer to the transfer case, put one of the printed parts of the right side and use a M3 x 8mm screw instead of the one you removed from the chassis.

I hope you like it!



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